A downloadable game for Windows

A simple sci fi rpg turn based game... Nexus a new AI gone rogue decides to destroy the solar system, but can you the hero and 5 other friends stop him before it's to late?

x key = interact/chat to npcs

use codes to attack nexus and then he will attack one of you at random with a random attack...

move using arrow keys

if some resources show blank it is the game engine resource limits fault when we compiled it but believe us the game should play perfectly and not freak out like that we tested it to make sure. if you don't believe us run the project in GDevelop 5 you may not modify it but only use it as a template for your own battle system and dialogue but you cannot copy cat us. when opening it open the json file in the folder and run the game with all files in the same folder to avoid errors, also open the json file in GDevelop on your desktop... once done select the logo scene and press run a preview also download the new zip file with the fixed version and delete the old copy it is buggy


Cyber Souls Nexus Alert-9-6-4-windows.exe 89 MB
Cyber Souls Nexus Alert Project Editable version for run in gdevelop 5 only fixed.rar 31 MB

Install instructions

just install and open and play the game and enjoy don't worry it is completely safe and has been tested.